New Releases Shelf

Last Updated: March 12, 2008

The purpose of the SPAG New Releases Shelf is to provide a reference source for text adventure players who seek the newest contributions to IF. The page lists all games that have been released in the past 3-6 months, at least all those that I'm aware of via announcement posts to the newsgroups.

Most all of these games can be found in the IF Archive at, either in one of the games directories or the unprocessed directory. (The incoming directory at is not readable, so if the new game is there, you'll have to wait until it moves to unprocessed or to its proper home.) 

The SPAG New Releases Shelf will be updated irregularly, since IF games (except for competition entries) don't really emerge on any rigorous schedule -- I'll always include a "last update" date on the page, and don't panic if your newly released masterpiece doesn't appear on the page within moments of your announcement. It'll get here!

Ghost Town: The Lost Treasure Jens Buriel Z-Code (Inform 7) August 2, 2007
IntroComp 2007 games various authors various systems August 5, 2007
Crystal and Stone and Beetle and Bone Jenny Erikson Z-Code (Inform 6) August 6, 2007
Lydia's Heart Jim Aikin TADS 3 August 15, 2007
Weishaupt Scholars Michael Martin Z-Code (Inform 7) August 19, 2007
IF Competition 2007 Games various authors various system October 1, 2007
The Beast of Torrack Moor Linda Wright and Steve Haddon Glulx (Inform 7) October 17, 2007
One Room Game Competition games various authors various systems November 18, 2007
C-40 Contest games David Fisher Z-Code (Inform 6) December 4, 2007
House of Dream of Moon IF Whispers Team Z-Code (Inform 7) December 6, 2007
Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom S. John Ross Z-Code (Inform 7) December 27, 2007
Child's Play Stephen Granade Z-Code (Inform 7) December 31, 2007
Legerdemain Nathan D. Jerpe Java January 24, 2008
IF Beginner's Comp games various authors various systems February 16, 2008

Thank you for helping to keep text adventures alive!

SPAG is maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Pages are no longer updated and links may no longer work. All articles and reviews are copyright by their original authors.